MatWash 360˚

/MatWash 360˚
MatWash 360˚2018-09-08T15:46:01-06:00

Cleaner Mats, Faster Results

  • Automated, portable and highly efficient Rig Mat Washer
  • System uses heated, high pressure and high flow 360° cleaning to wash dirty mats before transport
  • System incorporates WaterSafe wash water collection and recycling equipment that speeds up cleaning and reduces water usage
  • MatWash 360° is heavy duty and can operate in the harshest of operating conditions
  • The MatWash 360° System has the ability to chlorinate mats after cleaning to make them environmentally friendly for the next job

The Process to Eliminate Clubroot and Noxious Weed

Rig Mat Washer Setup
Access Mats being cleaned with our Rig Mat Washer
Our Rig Mat Washer creates club root free mats through chlorination
Our Rig Mat Washer saves 1000 Liters of water per mat compared to other methods thanks to filtration and closed loop recycling.

7 Reasons Why the MatWash 360˚ System is a Must!

  1. The cleaning and recycling system speeds up mat washing. The MatWash 360˚ produces more clean units in 4 minutes than a manual wash can operator can in 45 minutes, cutting the cleaning time while providing a superiorly clean mat.
  2. The automated system reduces water hauling, labour and disposal costs associated with manual mat washing operations.
  3. You can haul up to 25% more mats when they are clean, reducing trucking costs.
  4. As an option, mats can be chlorinated to further reduce environmental issues.
  5. The system addresses increasing environmental concerns regarding wash water disposal.
  6. Wash water recycling makes good sense and good policy.
  7. The MatWash 360˚ System was custom built for Little Guy Oilfield Rentals and we can serve all Canadian industries requiring access matting solutions and cleaning.

Check out our selection of Rig Mats!